Give teachers in your school a chance to develop their own teaching methods using the interactive content builder in Upstairs, as they will be able to design activities and tracks in their own creative way and control all aspects of e-learning smartly.
If the teacher likes to film himself/herself during the explanation or benefit from enriching links or videos on a specific topic, he/she can put it within the educational track to integrate with the interactive activities and increase the benefit.
Make homework a fun and effective experience for students through the learning tracks prepared by teachers. These tracks have various features such as artificial intelligence stimulating interactivity, diverse media, milestones, and more.
When you see the weak points of some students in certain skills, you can design special tracks for them or make use of what has been previously designed to focus on the weak points and help them catch up with their classmates.
Without the need to use other applications, teachers can explain lessons to students through live virtual classrooms with various features that suit the school environment.
Inform students through notifications
Invite participating students
Open and close class enrollment after a certain period
Limit the number of virtual classes available for each teacher
The school administration can determine the teachers who are allowed to build and edit interactive tracks and the teachers who can use them in their classes, as well as adding student accounts.
Know the best teachers in your school through smart reports that evaluate them according to the performance of their students. This also allows you to follow students based on their skills in any subject.
Increase the efficiency of learning management system you are using by linking it to Upstairs platform. You can avoid distracting students among platforms, view interactive tracks from within the system, and sync grades and students’ data with ease.
Collect all the educational media used by the editors on the platform in the media library where you can arrange them and share them among teachers for the greatest possible benefit.